Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Justice of the Peace?

In Massachusetts, a Justice of the Peace is a judicial officer appointed by the Governor for a term of seven years. A Justice of the Peace’s primary duties are solemnizing marriages within the Commonwealth. The fees for a Justice of the Peace’s primary services are set by the state government.

What will you wear to my wedding?

My default attire for weddings is professional and fairly subdued, but if you’re cultivating a certain vibe for your wedding, I’m happy to dress to match. From traditional to quirky to full-on cosplay, I welcome your sartorial vision!

Do I need witnesses for my wedding ceremony?

You do not! You just need yourself, your future spouse, and an officiant. Your wedding can be as small or as large as you choose.

How do I get a wedding license?

You can apply for a marriage license in any city or town in Massachusetts—both you and your future spouse will need to apply in person. Be sure to bring proof of your age (you must be over 18), such as a birth certificate or passport. There’s a three-day waiting period after you apply, so keep that in mind if you’re planning an elopement. More information can be found here.

What if I’m renewing my vows?

There’s no legal requirement for a vow renewal ceremony, but a Justice of the Peace can preside over whatever ceremony you have in mind. I’d love to be there as you reaffirm your love for each other.